Sunday, February 18, 2007


this is taylor she has a big mouth
well this was a drawing i did in the park it didnt take as long i i thought it would around 10-15 minuts the guy and his friends loved it but they had no money... i always do some pretty kool ones when they have no cash

sketch i did of my onesies last night around 2:30 a.m. i called my girlfriend and she was pissed i woke her to tell her i drew a pic =] i love her... but anywho i was lookin at a drawin joe did of aaron and wanted to duplicate the same angle, becaused i had tried it once and it SUCKED! so i thik i may have gotten it right, well almost i justdidnt see what he did of the part under the chin.

im sick of the same bodies we do at work so kevin and i decided to start making some one of our own, but i want mine to have the correct anatomy but still cartoony. oh yeha theres a tiny drawign of bryan and nate in there also

linz, at a draw party

A girl with a good face to draw from one of the caricatrue training classes. the next day bryan decided so show them to the class.....i guess its good i wanna color this in photo-chop and skrew!

Me and my wife marissa...were both UGLY! =] no her boobs aren't that big and i drew this cuz one day i was talkin with kevin sayin it would be funny if i drew marissa in my mouth sorta like a kangaroo pouch

a kid a training class...
looks JUST like him

tis kevin
yes tis not its... stupid


Jeff Pecina said...

the one of kev is good
i like the darks and ligths
its a cool style
the likeness is decent too.
which you usually have trouble with
so thats good
the only thing i could say that u need to work on is the composition on the page
i noticed that kevin was really tiny in the middle of the page
and that makes the drawing look over all insignificant in a way, just cause its poorly placed
try to learn how to see whats goin on the page before u draw it. that will make your pic much more powerful to the viewers eye.

Jeff Pecina said...

the other black guy is cool
i like the sketch
i dont remeber his neck being that outstanding, the hair in this pic looks like girls hair
and that guy had really weird stingy curly hair.
which is important to inlcude
i cant say anything on the likeness because i forgot what he looked like
but the quality of the sketch is good
it has good composition too.
keep that up.

linz said...

kev is great. the drawing i mean.

Anonymous said...

I like your stuff Angel. too bad using Glue Sticks is totally against the rules. Park Media only! (I'm getting me some)

Aaronphilby said...

I like how you made Kevin's face flat. It's funny, sort of.

Anonymous said...

the one of u and marrisa is hilarious!
and the smooth coloring on joes sketch can use some more depth, but it sure is nice.


Anonymous said...

That girl was dead on. I wanted to draw her but I never got a chance. You need to show me how to color these pictures on photoshop. Teach me Angel.

Anonymous said...

wow, this is a suprise. thats pretty good angel, is this my card? u have really gotten better.

Anonymous said...

niice man, i like the park one
and the linz with the crazy pink backround.
awesome stuff duuuuude.

jeff p.

Anonymous said...

aww angel i LOVE the one you did of me!
it looks AMAZING!, the smile is very me lol, and yes my mouth is quite large ha ha but it makes for a great exaggeration in the picture, anyways thanks so much
it came out VERY NICE! and you even put my freckles..awwww.


Anonymous said...

Can a person even have that many teeth? Good coloring though.

Gabriel Hunt said...

You asked for some advice a really long time ago so here it is.
1. "Draw draw draw" - Commander Mark
2. Learn how to self critique. Look for mistakes, and how to correct them.
3. Draw the same sketch multiple times. Sometimes the first impression is dead on, but often you need to draw it out a few times, and this lets you make corrections, and learn from your mistakes.

You seem to be on the right track. Keep it up and keep checking those blogs of the artists you admire.