Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Sketch of Brandon.

this is can-tits

she liked it and so did i


Brandon said...

Hahaha, wow well this was a surprise. Not too bad. A couple pointers about me: my head looks like a slice of pizza or a guitar pick cuz of my pointy chin; I'm skinny; my left ear sticks out farther than the other; I have a scar on my left cheek shaped almost like an 'S'. But thanks for making me look badass and muscular. haha.

KEV said...

You already know I like this one. The only thing that I can see wrong with this sketch is the length of the eyebrow, you drew it all lthe way to edge of his face...I would just make it shorter. But its a good sketch.

TaD PoLiO said...

Great stuff man, keep it up. Wahts going on over there in Tejas.

Jeff Pecina said...

i know brandon
i worked with him out in ohio
he's a cool lad
and this is a good sketch
he already mentioned the pointers
so im not gunna poke at it anymore.

but i do think u should draw it again.

Jeff Pecina said...

about the big eyed girl.
honetly man
for u, this sketch is horrible.
i know u can do way better man.
it seems like u got stumped and just settled for a portri-cature for the sake of finishing the sketch.
i think u could have done much better.try to draw her agian.